One Horizon Kenya

One Horizon for Responsible TravelersOne Horizon is an international aid agency that hosts visitors to its centres. Its conducts tours which range from 1 to 7 days where socially responsible travellers can immerse themselves in ‘giving something back’. One Horizon has 23 centres in Kenya and these range from crèches and schools in some of the most disadvantaged slum communities in and around Nairobi and Mombasa to Women’s Retraining Centres, Rescue Centres for Street Children and Outreach Programs. You can help change people’s livesOne Horizon’s visitors can involve themselves in a variety of different activities or they can do as little as they want. There are up to 20 low impact activities that are part of our programs to overcome poverty. So a single traveller, couple or family can be involved in conducting health checks on the children, to preparing lunch and helping educate the children about hygiene. There is something for everybody and our visitors include all ages and nationalities from couples and families to special interest groups. Amazing People and Amazing PlacesSometimes it’s hard to grasp the difficulties of others and the situation they face when you are hearing it from a distance. Travel bridges the gaps and can bring us face to face with people and places that change our perspective. Our tours are for socially responsible travellers who want to ‘give something back’. And being an aid organisation you will see things that the average traveller doesn’t have access to – amazing places and amazing people

Accommodation Summary


An Introduction to One Horizon

Socially Responsibility

One Horizon In Kenya

One Horizon – Giving Something Back Every Day

One Horizon Programs

One Horizon – Our Work Our Programs